Starting with Javascript


p5.js is a Library (a bunch of functions that someone else has written that makes it easy for us to write code). Millions of libraries exist in thousands of languages. Today we are just going to continue looking at this javascript one. You can find more about it later here.

A blank canvas

p5 is split up into two parts. A setup routine (function), where the program starts, and then a draw function that happens every millisecond or so. To start we are going to draw a black background. In p5 instead of a 0-10 measurement we are used to, it's natural for things to go from 0-255 (and in many other languages).

//This sets up our environment
// The two slashes are comments (//)
// comments are ignored by the programming language
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
//This loops over and over again
function draw() {
//background(255); //draw white
background(0); //draw black

So white in the example above is 255 and black is 0. The white example has been commented out. This means it won't run.

Let's take a real look (click the play button to run the example):

Adding color

Take a look at this code and have a think of what might happen?

Hint colors are made of RGB (Red,Green,Blue) like tv/video displays. Imagine you're mixing paints together.

function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
c = color(255,0,0)

Copy and paste over the example above (you can only have one setup and one draw function), and see what happens. Remember the setup function runs once, and the draw function happens every few milliseconds. Try playing with the 255,0,0 and see what happens.

Hint: Don't forget to click play or auto-refresh.